Dear Friends,

I propose we work toward a different kind of media. Imagine what it would be like if media everywhere, media at the scale of our current distribution systems, deftly and beautifully moved us toward healing, community and the restoration of our planet? I want our everyday media, the media most of us consume, to be a fount of love and truth. And I want it to dazzle, too.

The artists and creators are waiting. The storytellers, the painters, the drummers, the dancers, the poets, the filmmakers, the teachers, even the technologists–they (or we) have the magic to bring about the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible. Culture of Healing is the beginnings of a structure, hopefully one among many, for this vision and this movement. It is not-for-profit here to promote the global transformation of consciousness.

We’re starting small. We’re starting where we are, with the projects we have and the people we trust. We are making meaningful, beautiful things that are oriented around healing. We are following what’s alive. And we are trusting that a greater intelligence is assembling the pieces. Maybe you are one of those pieces.

We are so grateful to you.